Crypto, Law.
A.B. cum laude, History, 2000
Washington University in St. Louis
J.D. cum laude, 2005
University of Miami School of Law
Nominated as one of Coindesk’s Most Influential People in Blockchain in 2017, Andrew "Drew" Hinkes is a partner with K&L Gates and the co-Chair of its Global Digital Assets practice. Drew was appointed as an Adjunct Professor by the NYU Stern Business School and the NYU School of Law, where he co-teaches "Digital Currency, Blockchains, and the Future of the Financial Services Industry." Since 2019, Drew has been involved in law reform, serving as an Adviser for the Uniform Law Commission Uniform Commercial Code and Emerging Technologies Digital Assets Working Group, and Observer to the UNIDROIT Working Group on Digital Assets and Private Law. Drew is also a co-Chair of the ABA Business Section Uniform Commercial Code Emerging Technology Subcommittee. In 2020, Mr. Hinkes, with co-authors, wrote “Digital Assets and Blockchain Technology: U.S. Law and Regulation,” a leading textbook covering legal and regulatory approaches to digital assets and related technology, published by Elgar. Mr. Hinkes is frequently quoted and cited in articles related to digital assets and blockchain technology, and regularly speaks at legal, industry, and academic conferences and symposia.

What’s New:
Mar. 2, 2022
Presentation: “Crypto for CEO’s,” Broward Workshop, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Mar. 3, 2022
Presentation: “Crypto for Mayors,” United States Conference of Mayors, Miami Beach, FL

Upcoming Events:
March 25, 2022
Moderator, FIU Sports, Entertainment, Fashion & Art Law Society Symposium, ‘The Metaverse and the Law,” Miami, FL
April 1, 2022
April 4, 2022
Panelist, University of Pennsylvania, Penn Law Capital Market Association “innovations in Capital Markets: Future of Crypto-Digital Assets,” “The Rise of Non-Fungible Tokens,” Philadelphia, PA
April 7, 2022
Crypto and Blockchain Economic Research (CBER) Forum, Research presentation “The Limits of Code Deference”